Sunday, August 24, 2008

Here Comes Momma, Lock the Gate!

Communing with the Grove

Olivia gets in the groove with a grove of Lace Leaf Japanese Maple Trees. Harkness Memorial State Park, Waterford, CT 2008

Saturday, August 23, 2008

Here Comes The Sun... flowers

Our first try at a colorful crop of Sunflowers was pretty successful!

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Lazy Potomac on a Hazy Day in July

At a bend in the river the Potomac flows slowly past the town of Hancock, MD. My friend John and I walk along a section of the C&O canal that once followed the river all the way to Washington D.C. Maryland in the summer can be a hot, humid, somewhat oppressive place even up in the "highlands" of the piedmont and mountain areas. The river has that smell that rivers have and it made me wish we had a canoe so we could set off down stream.

Picking Tomatoes

Our resident tomato picker is always anxious to pick.